Make Big Data Work for You
Big data is being generated by everything around us, all the time. Every digital process and social media exchange produces it. The massive volume of both structured and unstructured data is so large that it is difficult to process using traditional database and software techniques. In most enterprise scenarios, the volume of data is too big, moves too fast, or exceeds current processing capacity.
Capture Your Potential
Despite these problems, big data has the potential to help companies improve operations and make faster, more intelligent decisions. When captured, formatted, manipulated, stored, and analyzed, this data can help a company gain useful insight to increase revenues, get or retain customers, and improve operations.
Insights from big data analytics can enable employees to make better decisions — deepening customer engagement, optimizing operations, preventing threats and fraud, and helping companies capitalize on new sources of revenue. Increasing demand for insights requires a fundamentally new approach to architecture, tools, and practices.

Axiom big data practice can help you:
Create a roadmap and use cases for big data projects.
Start faster and more effective big data projects by connecting the right resources.
Implement pilot projects on EC2 to get you started and select the best tools for the job.
Reduce risk in implementing big data.
Get ready solution to be moved in house from cloud.
Connect with the right resources at the right time during the entire project life cycle.

Big Data PoCs
- Ready to use Cloudera/Hortonworks infrastructure for performance testing
- Access to EC2 and Secure data transfer for doing PoCs from Chicago office
- Tools evaluation and benchmarking services

Consulting Services
- Big Data project due diligence
- Recommendation of Hadoop stack based on needs assessment
- Development of implementation of data ingestion framework
- HIVE/Pig and Spark development
- Design and implementation of data mining models using SAS LASR/spark

Operations Support
- Hadoop Installation and maintenance
- Monitoring Hadoop jobs
- Managing data movement in and out of Hadoop cluster
- Technical support for user access and data retrieval from Hadoop platform

Smart Choices
Not all solutions and use cases are fit for big data. It’s important to review alternatives and compare cost and ROI benefits. Explore using augmented data warehouse solutions using Hadoop, HIVE, and big data relational tools to reduce data processing time.
What is your Big Data Strategy?
As your trusted partner, Axiom will work to help you bring order to your Big Data. With proven expertise and thought leadership in technologies both mature and emerging, our team of senior-level consultants will help you implement the right solution to manage and understand your data allowing you to predict customer demand and make better decisions faster. Whatever your Big Data challenges, we’ll provide you the strategic guidance you need to succeed.